It would be greatly appreciated if anyone who knew and loved Jackie would contribute to this section of the website by writing a little blurb about their interactions with him as well as providing me with a good picture of themselves.  I thank you in advance.  Please send to


Ross Harvey, Montreal, QC.

I knew Jackie from my very first days playing pee wee hockey in NDG Park in 1971/72.  He was omnipresent!  Through the years as I grew and matured, I came to know him as a kind-hearted lover of all sports and all people.  I absolutely loved and valued his contributions to the NDG community - as an organizer, a coach, an umpire and a referee.  I moved away from Montreal for a while, but upon my return I was elated to see him, at least weekly, walking between his home and the Monkland Tennis Club.  Jackie was a model of humanity and without a doubt made my life richer for having known him.  I completely believe that there could be no better citizen to name NDG Park after than Jackie Wallace!

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